Turn your data into an asset you can monetize – Dana Budzyn of UBDI

My guest today is Dana Budzyn, CEO of UBDI, a tech startup looking to transform the market research industry. If you’ve been following the 2020 presidential campaign, you’ve probably heard of Andrew Yang and his platform of UBI–Universal Basic Income. But what you may not have heard of is Universal Basic Data Income; this is the term that Dana uses to describe what her company is attempting–which is to allow users to transform their personal data into an asset that earns money, while retaining privacy and anonymity, instead of simply trading it all away to the Big Tech companies.

The technology that allows UBDI to work is less than 10 years old, so this is a new frontier–and a promising one in the battle against the privacy-invading corporate leviathans. In this episode we discuss how exactly how the app works, how a 24-year-old gets to be co-founder and CEO of a tech startup leading the way in data privacy innovation, and more.

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Thanks to LEVV for the bumper music.