
Turn your data into an asset you can monetize – Dana Budzyn of UBDI

My guest today is Dana Budzyn, CEO of UBDI, a tech startup looking to transform the market research industry. If you’ve been following the 2020 presidential campaign, you’ve probably heard of Andrew Yang and his platform of UBI–Universal Basic Income. But what you may not have heard of is Universal Basic Data Income; this is…

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Episode 13 – Robert Beadles on Getting Started with Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a complicated subject to grasp well. Currency alone is something everyone understands, but add all the other terms into the mix—cryptography, decentralization, nodes, distributed ledgers, public and private keys, etc—and the average citizen either panics or gets glossy-eyed. Robert Beadles has written a very basic, entry-level overview of what cryptocurrency is, how it…

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Episode 8 – George Gilder on the Cryptocosm and Life After Google

Today’s guest is George Gilder, a prolific author, economist, investor, and techno-futurist. In the 1970s Gilder wrote a controversial book about gender roles in society, originally titled Sexual Suicide, but later revised and reissued under the title Men and Marriage. In the 1980s, as an articulator and defender of Supply-Side Economics, he became known as…

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How Music Got Free: What happens when an entire generation commits the same crime? by Stephen Witt

How Music Got Free is a totally fascinating account of the mp3 and how it almost destroyed the music industry. The story begins with a history of the invention of the mp3 by a handful of German scientists. Through trial and error and years of research, they pursued and eventually perfected an algorithm for compressing…

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